
  I.语音 选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项(每小题1分,共5分)

  ( )1. A. club B. drum C. run D. uniform

  ( )2. A .dream B. please C. breakfast D. meat

  ( )3. A. taste B. make C. race D. giraffe

  ( )4. A. south B. think C. health D. these

  ( )5. A. koala B. over C. also D. cross

  II.词汇 (每小题1分,共10分)

  A. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词

  1. She often swims on the w_______.

  2. I usually brush my t_____before breakfast.

  3. They t_____the bus to school every day.

  4. Don’t e____in class.

  5. Pandas are kind of s_____.

  B. 根据汉语提示写出英文短语

  6. She can ________(下国际象棋).

  7. I _________(起床) at 6:00 in the morning.

  8. My mother _________(骑自行车) to work every day .

  9. I must _______(清洗餐具) after dinner.

  10. Elephants can never_______(迷路) .


  1. Tom wants ___to you . Are you free ?

  A. to tell B. tells C. to talk D. talks

  2. Bob can play ___soccer, but he can’t play ____drums.

  A. the, the B. / ,/ C. /, the D. the, /

  3. Can he _____it in English ?

  A. speak B. speaks C. say D. talk

  4. Little Tom draws _____. His pictures are very ______.

  A. well , good B. good , good

  C. good, well D. well, well

  5. John doesn’t_____his homework_____the evening.

  A. do in B. /, in C. do ,at D. does, in

  6.—_____do they play soccer ?

  —On Saturday afternoon.

  A. When B. What C. How D. Where

  7. My aunt likes ____TV and my uncle likes ____a book at night.

  A. to watch, to read B. to see, to read

  C. to watch, to work D. to watch, to see

  8. —What time is it ? —It’s ______o’clock.

  A. half past ten B. about eight

  C. ten past six D. a quarter past two

  9. It takes ___one hour ____my room every day.

  A. I , clean B. me, to clean

  C. me, cleaning D. my , to clean


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